Privacy Policy pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (« GDPR ») Articles 13 and 14. 

The correct management of your data and the trust you place in our products and services are a priority. To give you the best, in everything we do, we are committed to continuous improvement; right from this point of view we will collect, use, transfer and store your data.

You have the right to be informed in a transparent manner on how we process and protect this data; so please take a few minutes to read our privacy policy, do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. When you visit our website, we may ask you to give us some basic personal information such as your name, phone number, e-mail address and address.

We keep your contacts at your fingertips, so that you can recognize the next time and then it will be enough for you to provide us with the data only once.

This document (« Policy » ) is intended to provide information only on the processing of information relating to users who use the services accessible from the web address by STONEHOUSE and / or by other subjects identified for the purposes indicated below.

The Information note, in particular, is provided pursuant to EU Regulation no. 679/2016« GDPR » and concerns exclusively the aforementioned Site: therefore it does not concern any other sites that can be reached by the user through the links present on the same.

  1. Identity and contact details of the Data Controller The Data Controller, that is, the legal entity that determines the purposes and means of processing personal data is STONEHOUSE , C.F. and VAT No.: 02114530468 – with headquarters in Via Centoni 14, 55061 San Ginese di Compito, Capannori (LU)
  2. Categories of personal data processed Below is the information that STONEHOUSE may process through the Site, within the limits of the purposes and methods described in this Notice, and that may be considered as personal data under the Applicable Regulations. In particular:navigation data

    The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this Website acquire, during their normal operation, some Personal Data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified subjects, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow users to be identified.

    This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the Site, the addresses in the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (success, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s computer environment. These data are used only to check the correct functioning of the Site.

    data provided voluntarily by the user 

    The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mails to the addresses indicated on this website entails the subsequent acquisition of the e-mail address and any other Personal Data included in the electronic communication, as well as the sender / user data necessary to respond to the requests or to provide the service. Specific information also synthetic will be made for particular services, where proposed.

    3. Purpose and legal basis of the treatment 

    The Personal Data provided by users who request dispatch of informative material are used for the sole purpose of providing the service or provision requested, and may be known by STONEHOUSE employees and collaborators, duly instructed about the precautions and guarantees to be adopted in the processing of the information in question, as well as by third parties who provide ancillary or instrumental services to the activity of STONEHOUSE with which specific agreements have been signed in fulfillment of the provisions of the Regulations.

    Further purposes will be indicated to users according to the specific services, where proposed, which will be used starting from the pages dedicated and available on this Site.

    4. Method of treatment 

    Personal Data will be processed using manual, computerized or telematic tools, suitable for guaranteeing security and confidentiality and will be performed by personnel duly trained to comply with the Regulations.

    Because of the consent expressed by the user, it is possible that the same is contacted via e-mail, text message, or through any equivalent electronic tool or by paper mail or call via operator to all the contact details provided. If you prefer to be contacted only to one or some of these addresses, you can express your request through

    4.1 Use of cookies 

    The Company uses IT techniques for the direct acquisition of personal identification data. For the types of cookies used, please read the “Cookies policy”.

    5. Scope of Communication of Personal Data

    By virtue of the treatments that the user may authorize Personal Data may be disclosed to persons providing services relating to the activity of STONEHOUSE indicated in the specific information. The information may also be communicated whenever the communication may be necessary to comply with requests from the Judicial Authority or Public Security. The Personal Data collected will in no case be disseminated.

    6. Data retention period (determination criteria) 

    Except for the Personal Data provided voluntarily by the user and for which specific information will be made, the information relating to navigation will be kept for a maximum of six months following the collection; except in the case in which they must be used to ascertain responsibility in the case of computer crimes against the Site: in this case, the information will be kept available to the Authority for the time necessary to guarantee STONEHOUSE exercising their rights of defense.

    7. Rights that are recognized to you 

    The Applicable Law recognizes users a series of rights including, but not limited to, the right:

    (1) to access your Personal Data
    (2) to ask for a correction
    (3) the update and cancellation, if incomplete, erroneous or collected in violation of the law
    (4) to request that the processing be limited to a part of the information concerning them
    (5) to transmit to the same or to third parties indicated by them the information concerning them (so-called « data portability »)
    (6) to oppose their processing for legitimate reasons
    (7) to withdraw their consent at any time by a written request without formalities to the contacts indicated in points 1 and 2.

    STONEHOUSE remember that, where the response to requests can not be considered satisfactory, the user can contact and lodge a complaint with the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data ( ) in the ways provided for by the Applicable Regulations.

    View the extended version of the Privacy policy